News:Argos:Belgrade stock markets surge


12 May 2008

BELGRADE - Shares on the Belgrade stock exchange, BSE, have rocketed a day after the elections, and by midday, a large number of shares had registered maximum growth of 20 percent.

The BELEX15 index of the biggest shares leapt over 12 percent.

Shares in Čačanska Bank (ČNB), Commercial Bank (KMBN), Belgrade Economic Bank [PRBN], Vital [VITL], Globos Insurance (GLOS) and Informatika (INFM) all rose by around 20 percent.

Of the A-List shares, the day’s biggest winner was Energoprojekt Holding (ENHL) with shares in the company soaring 10 percent. Soja Protein (SJPT) shares almost hit the 10 percent mark, while Tigar (TIGR) rose 8.8 percent.




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